In order to increase excitement for the upcoming Beatles documentary, Capitol would’ve wanted the soundtrack out and in the stores well in advance of the film. While the movie was still only in a rough cut, Dave Dexter Jr. would’ve seen the writing on the wall. The Beatles were not getting along and may not be a band much longer. As such, he would’ve held back the two piano-based Paul ballads for some grand finale later. This still would’ve given him ample material with which to create this album.

Following McCartney’s original idea for the project, the first side would’ve featured odd bits of chatter and jamming on old tunes while rehearsing some new material. Side two would feature the Beatles “getting back” to performing live with a representation of that final rooftop concert on January 30th, 1969. Since the film wasn’t done yet, Capitol had no idea that I, Me, Mine would be featured so prominently, requiring a version of that to be recorded and put on the album. Also, Across The Universe had already been issued on this alternate universe’s version of Yellow Submarine so there was no need to include it here.

In the end what we get is something akin to the Beatles version of The Basement Tapes, only everyone seemed to be miserable instead of having a great time. And while the film would take a while to be released (and be retitled Let It Be in the interim), this version of Get Back would’ve satiated both Capitol’s need for product and the fans’ interest in getting a peak behind the Beatles’ curtain.

Certainly the next album wouldn’t be so rushed and “warts-n-all”.